Rent dedicated server in Netteligent (Canada)
The servers presented on this page are located in Netteligent datacenter in Canada. By purchasing the servers through our company you gain a list of extra benefits such as:
  • 24/7 Support
  • Ability to pay with WebMoney
  • All the benefits of the reseller account (Personal manager in the datacenter, the highest quality of technical support, and faster help on any problems)

Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.


Test IP:

Server RAM Hard Drive Bandwidth Setup fee Price
Tarif Processor Value Size RPM Type Port Limit*
NetI 1 Dual Core E5300 2.6GHz 1 GB 1 250 GB
7 200 SATA2 100 Mbps. 2000 GB Bandwidth 50 $ 117 $ Order
NetI 2 Core2 DUO E7400 2.8GHz 1 GB 1 250 GB 7 200 SATA2 100 Mbps. 2000 GB Bandwidth 50 $ 143 $ Order
NetI 3 Core2 DUO E8400 3.0GHz  2 GB 1 320 GB 7 200 SATA2 100 Mbps. 2000 GB Bandwidth 50 $ 182 $ Order
NetI 4 Quad Core Q8400 2.66GHz 2 GB 1 320 GB 7 200 SATA2 100 Mbps. 2000 GB Bandwidth 50 $ 204 $
NetI 5 Quad Core Q9550 2.83GHz 2 GB 1 320 GB 7 200 SATA2 100 Mbps. 2000 GB Bandwidth 50 $ 252 $ Order
NetI 6 2x Quad XEON E5405 2.0GHz 2 GB 1 320 GB 7 200 SATA2 100 Mbps. 2000 GB Bandwidth 50 $ 384 $ Order


* - Positions marked with * can be changed while order process.
