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Rent 100TB bandwidth server with 1GBpS dedicated uplink port in Leaseweb.

We are proud to present an exclusive set of servers set in one of 3 locations which are the part of the network of Leaseweb in Holland, Germany, or USA.

We’re sure that there’s no need to write much about LeaseWeb, which is the absolute leader in the modern European hosting market. The majority of our clients who rent their servers from LeaseWeb have been able to make sure themselves what high standards of work this company keeps. LeaseWeb values the loyalty of our customers and gives a unique opportunity to widen the horizons and bring your online business to the new stage. Forget about traffic overusage and insufficient port speed. Forget about the lack of funds. Exclusive line of 100TB servers in Leaseweb – unprecedented power at a record price.

By purchasing the servers through our company you gain a list of extra benefits such as:

  • 24/7 Support
  • Ability to pay with WebMoney
  • All the benefits of the reseller account (Personal manager in the datacenter, the highest quality of technical support, and faster help with any problems)

Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

Please read the rules before ordering.

The traffic overusage cost is $ 0,15 for 1GB

Please also see Microsoft SPLA for these servers

Please contact our sales dept. before order to make sure that the chosen configuration is available.

The approximate set-up time of these servers is 7-9 business days.

Server RAM HDD Traffic Price
Name Country CPU Number Size Rpm Type RAID Port Limit*
100TB NL S  Holland Dual-Core G6950 4GB 2 250GB 7 200 SATA2 Non 1 GB/S 100 TB 229$ Order
100TB DE S Germany Dual-Core G6950 4GB 2 250GB 7 200 SATA2 Non 1 GB/S 100 TB 229$ Order
100TB USA S USA Dual-Core G6950 4GB 2 250GB 7 200 SATA2 Non 1 GB/S 100 TB 229$ Order
100TB NL M Holland Intel QC X3440 8GB 2 1 TB 7 200 SATA2 Non 1 GB/S 100 TB 287$ Order
100TB DE M Germany Intel QC X3440 8GB 2 1 TB 7 200 SATA2 Non 1 GB/S 100 TB 287$ Order
100TB USA M USA Intel QC X3440 8GB 2 1 TB 7 200 SATA2 Non 1 GB/S 100 TB 287$ Order
100TB NL L Holland 2 x QC E5504 8GB 4 300GB 15000 SAS Non 1GB/S 100TB 459$ Order
100TB USA L USA 2 x QC E5620 8GB 4 1TB 7200 SATA2 Non 1GB/S 100TB 498$ Order
100TB NL XL Holland 2 x QC E5620 8GB 4 300GB 15000 SAS Non 1GB/S 100TB 555$ Order


Please Note!

Additional rules apply to these servers. Please do not order any server from this page without contacting us first. 

Available upgrades :

The following OS are available:

CentOs 5.5, Debian Lenny, Ubuntu 9.10, FreeBSD 7.2. - free.

Windows 2008  Web  21 $ / mo.

Windows 2008 Standart  36 $ / mo.

Controll Pannels:

Webmin (Linux/FreeBSD) - Free.

ISPmanager Lite (Linux/FreeBSD) - Free.

DirectAdmin (Linux/FreeBSD) - 9 $ / mo.

cPanel - 45 $ / mo.

Extra IPs:

* Up to 5 IPs in totall are available for 1 server.

The configurations above are not the final ones. Please address us should you need to create a server according to your unique requirements.

*Our affiliate program doesn't apply to these offers.
